Sligo County Council’s Disability Inclusion & Access Strategy 2019 – 2022 was published in May 2019 and sets out how the Authority will provide for the needs of persons with disabilities across the wide range of services that it delivers to the public on behalf of the state. This Strategy was developed by the Disability Consultative Committee following an extensive Public Consultation Process, and going forward it will be the role of this Committee to oversee the implementation of the Strategy and report to the full Council on progress. The Committee, as well as overseeing the implementation of the Disability Inclusion & Access Strategy, will provide a forum for consultation with the disability sector to ensure linkage between the policies of the Council and disability issues.
The Terms of Reference for the Committee are:
· overview the implementation of the “Sligo County Council Disability Inclusion & Access Strategy 2019 – 2022” – develop annual work plan and review progress
· advise the Local Authority on policies to improve services
· make recommendations on disability proofing of policies, projects and actions
· promote co-ordination between service providers
· make submissions on disability issues to other departments and agencies as appropriate
· raising Awareness on Disability issues and promotion of inclusion and equality
· meeting of the Committee to take place quarterly
· submit an Annual Report on activities to the Council’s Housing and Corporate Strategic Policy Committee.
Process and Timelines
Nominations Open Friday 21 August
Nominations Close Friday 4th September. All nominations will then be assessed for eligibility.
Voting Opens Monday 14th September
Voting Closes Monday 21st September
Successful Candiate Notified week of 21st September
In line with Covid-19 Restrictions and the Sligo PPN environmental policy, this nomination process and subsequent voting will take place online. However, we are happy to support people to make nominations and vote via alternative means, dependent on individual needs. Please phone Sligo PPN on 071 91 14430 to discuss.
Full process details can be found HERE