12th September 2023
Sligo PPN were delighted to partner with ATU Sligo and Sligo County Council to host an information evening for PPN member groups outlining the key supports on offer to support the community sector to engage in positive climate action.
The event featured presentations from: Sligo County Council, Sligo Leader Partnership, Clann Credo, Western Forestry Co-operative
Presentation 1 – Sligo County Council : Community Climate Action Fund
Presentation 2 – Sligo LEADER Partnership Clg
Presentation 3 – Clann Credo Community Finance
Presentation 4 – Western Forestry Co-Operative
In addition to the core presentations, 2 websites were also highlighted to participants which provide invaluable information on community climate action
- Spark Change (https://www.sparkchange.ie/) provides stories of community projects across Ireland. There may an opportunity to link up with a similar group to share learnings and experiences.
- Common Knowledge are delivering the HOMEWORKS project that is funded through the Community Climate Action Programme. They are seeking applications for a fully-funded 5 day residency at Common Knowledge. Further details are available at https://www.ourcommonknowledge.org/homeworks
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