HSE – Health Service Executive
- Posters and resources – Printable materials for workplaces and communities
- Posters in Different Languages – Printable posters in: Chinese, French, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, and Spanish
- Symptoms, causes and treatment – Information about the symptoms, causes and treatment of coronavirus
- Protect yourself and others– How the virus is spread and ways to protect yourself from infection
- At-risk groups – Some groups may be more at risk of serious illness if they catch coronavirus
- Restricted movements and self-isolation – Some people will need to do this to help stop COVID-19 spreading
- Travel and coronavirus – Information for people returning to Ireland or travelling abroad
- Minding your mental health during COVID-19 – Things you can do to mind your mental health during COVID-19
- Here is a Physical Activity Guide for Older adults
- Guidance for extremely medically vulnerable – For those over 70 or with underlying mediacal conditions
- Home delivery of medicines by volunteers – a guide
Guidance and Resources for Disability Services
COVID-19 Guidance is now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities.
This guidance will ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak. All of the materials are available to download here.
The HSE convened a group made up of representatives of the voluntary sector disability service providers to develop disability specific guidance and resources. These are in line with nationally approved guidance issued by the HSE and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Where necessary, guidance has been reviewed by clinical leads and approved by the HSE’s Vulnerable Person’s Group, convened to lead the response to the needs of vulnerable people during this pandemic.
Local Business Services
- Disinfecting Services Outside – McGowan Landscapes
Call Roger McGowan for further information 071 917 3010