In our 2020 needs analysis, community groups asked for support to become more environmentally friendly. One way you can do that is to try and encourage pollinators to your area.
Local communities can lead the way in creating an Ireland where pollinators can thrive. Whatever kind of community group you operate, there are small actions you can take to help out bees and other pollinators.
To find out how to make your community pollinator friendly, download our publication: Local Communities: actions to help pollinators
Features of our Local Community Guidelines:
- Range of 24 low/no-cost pollinator-friendly actions provided to suit all local communities
- Pollinator-friendly planting lists
- Important advice for purchasing wildflower seed mixes for pollinators
- Information about our pollinators, why they are declining and what they need to survive
Have you taken any pollinator friendly actions in your local community? If so, you can log them on the online mapping system, Actions for Pollinators, to help track the build-up of food and shelter in our landscape.