Minister Joe O’Brien opens Welcoming New Communities event and announces new Community Connection Project
Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities, Joe O’Brien, TD, today (Monday 15th July 2024) opened the Welcoming New Communities event in Dublin Castle. Organisations from across Ireland gathered to discuss challenges and barriers to integration efforts and share best practice and innovative solutions for migrant integration supports in local communities.
The purpose of the event was to provide opportunities for community organisations to present diverse examples of integration initiatives, facilitating in-depth discussion on effective approaches, sharing best practice on tackling misinformation and to promote networking, knowledge sharing, understanding and appreciation of the variety of community based migrant integration initiatives being delivered.
Speaking in the Hibernia Conference Centre in Dublin Castle, Minister O’Brien said:
My hope for today is that, in facilitating robust discussions on those questions, pinpointing initiatives that have been highly effective and identifying barriers and blockages to better implementation, we can collectively start to form new solutions to carry impactful integration and inclusivity initiatives forward into the future.
The value of having so many stakeholders in the room truly can’t be understated, as we engage and work together to tackle the challenges and support communities in welcoming and integrating new arrivals.Minister O'Brien
Internationally renowned speaker Tim Dixon, co-founder of More in Common presented a keynote speech on the value of positive integration of new arrivals to our communities and managing concerns and conflict, with additional presentations from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Local Development Companies and Volunteer Centres delivering supports to new arrivals.
An exhibition highlighting the sector’s work with migrants and their lived experience of engaging with Irish communities was on display at the event.
Minister O’Brien also announced an additional €1 million in funding for the continued delivery of social inclusion supports under the government’s social inclusion programme SICAP to New Arrivals for the remainder of 2024.
Speaking on the importance of addressing community concerns and tackling misinformation on migrant integration, Minister O’Brien announced a new community project, the Community Connection Project, with funding of €3 million over 2024-2025. The Community Connection Project (CCP) will support the recruitment of up to 30 Community Link Workers, employed by Local Development Companies, who will engage and work with local communities across Ireland over an 18-month period with a view to helping communities respond to the arrival of International Protection Applicants.
Making the announcement, the Minister said
I am delighted to announce today the creation of a new project, the Community Connection Project, with a budget of €3m to be spread over the remainder of 2024 and on to the end of 2025. “The Community Link Workers will help build community resilience against misinformation and prejudice by working with the local community before, during and after the arrival of International Protection Applicants.
The workers will also liaise closely with the Community Engagement Team of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), along with other key stakeholders, including the Local Authority Integration Teams (LAITs).
I have always maintained that grassroots community connections and efforts are the bedrock upon which any successful integration measures will be, and are being, built. I am very pleased to put in place this additional programme to support those Trojan efforts that happen daily in communities across build resilient, diverse and welcoming communities into the future.
Minister O'Brien