Minister Welcomes the Enactment of the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024

Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD, has today (Wednesday, 10th July 2024) welcomed the signing into law of the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024 by President Michael D. Higgins.

Minister Joe O’Brien has steered the Charities Bill through the legislative process over the past two years and made it a priority of his to deliver it before the summer recess.

The Act delivers on a Programme for Government commitment to ensure that the Charities Regulator has the necessary powers to further build trust and confidence in the management and administration of charities.

The legislation represents a key step to allow for the appropriate regulation, particularly financial regulation, of the charities sector.

The Act contains a number of amendments to the Charities Act 2009, as well as updating the Charities Act 1961 and the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 respectively.

Minister Joe O’Brien TD said:

The enactment of this important legislation has been a priority for me since my appointment as Minister. Of particular note is the introduction of ‘the advancement of human rights’ as a recognised charitable purpose in its own right – this is a hugely significant development and one which I know will have positive impacts on the sector.

and added

I am particularly proud of the pre-legislative process on this Bill as it was hugely important to me for those in the sector to have their voices reflected in this vital piece of legislation.

Throughout this legislative process, my officials and I have actively engaged with the charities sector, to listen and take on board the observations of a wide number of stakeholders.

Our charity sector plays a crucial role in connecting the wider public with opportunities to support and improve communities and society at large.

The resulting provisions will ensure greater transparency, clarity and fairness, serving to enhance public confidence in the sector, and will consolidate the existing legal framework for the Charities Regulator to conduct its statutory functions.

Key Features of the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024

The main features of the Charities (Amendment Act) 2024 include:

There is a need for proportionate regulation and governance requirements for our charities. The approach taken reflects both the diversity in the scale and complexity of the organisations that make up the charities sector in Ireland.

The Act will ultimately strengthen the regulatory structure that charities operate within, and safeguard the future of this valued sector for years to come.


The Department of Rural and Community Development Press Office

01-773 6843 / 086 461-8285

Notes to Editors - Main Provisions of the Act

There are 40 Heads in the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024.

Part 1 contains Preliminary and General Heads.

Part 2 covers Heads 3 to 38 and refers to amendments to the Charities Act 2009. These amendments are wide ranging include updates to the operation of the Register of Charities, financial reporting and audit requirements, the general duties of trustees, intermediate sanctions, powers concerning the protection of charitable organisations and the introduction of the advancement of human rights as a charitable purpose.

Part 3 incorporates Heads 39 and 40 and includes required amendments to the Charities Act 1961, as well as to current tax legislation.

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