Views and Experiences of LGBTI+ Mental Health Service Users
Call for Focus Group Participants
In short
- This project is being undertaken to gain insights into the lived experiences of LGBTI+ people using mental health services in Ireland. If you are 18 or over, have used mental health services in the last 2 years, and are willing to take part in an online focus group in the second week of February, we’d love to hear from you. Learn more at
- Mental Health Reform and LGBT Ireland are collaborating on this research to produce a set of recommendations on how service delivery can be improved to better meet the needs of LGBTI+ people. These will be used by both organisations in our campaigning and advocacy for LGBTI+ rights, so it’s a great opportunity for anyone who wants to have their voice heard on LGBTI+ mental health.
We want to hear people who identify as LGBTI+, are 18 or over, and have used mental health services in the last 2 years
What is it about?
We’re documenting and analysing the lived experiences of LGBTI+ mental health service users in Ireland. This will be done through a series of focus groups in November 2020, with initial results being published in late 2020 or early 2021.
It is our aim to gain insights that will inform our campaigns and advocacy work for better mental health services.
What will happen if I decide to take part?
You will talk to us about your views and experiences of using mental health services. This will be done online in a focus group with 4 to 6 other people and 2 Mental Health Reform researchers.
Our promise – Confidentiality
As far as possible, we will make the information given to us anonymous. Names and identifying information like place names, etc. will either be deleted or changed in all publications, presentations, campaigns and other outputs from this research.
My Voice Matters (2019)
This is a follow-on study from the My Voice Matters Project (2019), a national consultation that gathered feedback through surveys with mental health service users and their family members, friends, and carers. Find the full report at:
More details: