ISSUES PAPER for Sligo CDP review
Pre-Draft Public Consultation on the
Preparation of Sligo County Development Plan 2023–2029
30 July to 24 September 2021
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 11(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Sligo County Council intends to review the existing Sligo County Development Plan 2017–2023 and to prepare a new Sligo County Development Plan (CDP) for the period 2023–2029.
Issues Paper
The Development Planning Unit of Sligo County Council has prepared an Issues Paper which offers relevant information to those willing to engage in pre-draft consultation on the new Sligo County Development Plan. The Issues Paper is attached to this e-mail and can also be downloaded from the Council’s consultation portal at (
Zoning of lands
The Planning Authority intends to review the zoning of lands in the area of the development plan. However, requests or proposals for the zoning of particular lands for any purpose will NOT be considered at pre-draft stage (this stage).
Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA)
In accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (as amended), the Planning Authority must carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as part of the preparation of a new development plan. For this purpose, the Planning Authority will prepare an Environmental Report on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the new Plan.
Pursuant to the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), a Stage One Appropriate Assessment Screening will be carried out as part of the process. A Stage Two Appropriate Assessment (AA) may be carried out, if required.
Pre-Draft Consultation
The preparation of the new CDP will take two years to complete and will involve three stages of public consultation. As part of the first stage, the County Council is engaging in pre-draft consultation with the general public and a wide range of organisations and interest groups. Public consultation will inform the policies and objectives of the new Plan, as well as the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Sligo.
Suggestions or observations are invited from anyone with an interest in the future development of Sligo.
Children and young people, or groups representing their interests, are specifically invited to make submissions or observations.
Submissions and observations regarding the preparation of a new CDP should be uploaded to Sligo County Council’s consultation portal at (
Although not desirable, submissions may also be sent by post or by e-mail. Written submissions should be headed “Sligo County Development Plan 2023-2029” and e-mailed to or posted to:
Siobhan Gillen, Administrative Officer
Planning Section, Sligo County Council
City Hall, Quay Street, SLIGO F91 PP44
Tel. 071-9114440
Closing date for submissions is Friday, 24 September 2021, at 4:00 p.m.