An outline of the processes and rules for conducing our elections online.
System Used : Survey Monkey
- Tailored nomination for developed
- Survey Monkey link to nomination form sent to all eligible groups via registered emails. Depending on the size of the eligible group, nominations will be open anywhere between 1-3 weeks. No late nominations accepted. No nominations to be made by other methods unless otherwise agreed with PPN administrator.
- All nominations are checked for eligibility
- All eligible nominations go forward for vote
- Link to the voting form sent to all eligible groups. Form will feature a meet the candidates link as well as the formal voting process
- Online voting usually remains open between 5-10 days (again dependent on the pool of voters)
- All votes checked for eligibility and vote count tallied. Count to be checked by staff from Sligo County Council.
- Nominees notified of outcome via email
- Committee notified of outcome via email
- Only 1 nomination per group
- Only authorised representatives of the group are eligible to make a nomination(ie primary or alternative contacts listed with Sligo PPN). Please check with the PPN administrator if you are unsure about this.
- All eligible nominations will go through for election
- If only one nomination is received and that nomination is eligible then that nominee will be deemed elected
- Only 1 vote per group
- Only authorised representatives of the group are eligible to vote (ie primary or alternative contacts listed with Sligo PPN)
- An individual should only vote on behalf of one organisation. Where an individual represents more than one group they should get the alternative listed contact for the group to make the vote. If this is not possible please contact Sligo PPN directly.
- If only one seat exists, the nominee with the highest number of overall votes is deemed elected. Where more than one seat exists the nominee with the highest number of votes is deemed elected and then other weighting criteria is taken into consideration when allocating the remaining seats, including gender balance and geographical spread.
- Where a nominee is not successful in achieving the highest vote, but does receive at least one vote, they will be deemed as substitutes. Substitutes will be ranked according to the number of votes they got & taking into account weighting criteria
If you have any problems using the online nomination or voting system please email