Power to Change Logo
Building capacity within community groups to take
positive actions to address the challenges of Climate Change

About the Project

The โ€œPower to Changeโ€ project led by Atlantic Technological University in partnership with the Sligo Public Participation Network is funded under the Community Climate Action Programme.

The project will facilitate connection/reconnection with nature and build capacity within community groups to lead on change and consists of four initiatives. A key focus of the project is to engage with groups that have been under-represented in the Climate Conversations and will be guided by the principles of universal design for research to ensure inclusivity and accessibility. A repository of case studies, good practice guides, and a virtual learning environment will be developed to aid capacity building within community groups, and ultimately establish lasting connections and networks.

Contact Dr Yvonne Lang at yvonne.lang@atu.ie for further details.

The Strands of Power to Change

Community Group Training and Mentoring Programme

Building capacity within our community groups through interactive learning workshops

Climate Education Clubs

Learning by sharing knowledge and experiences in our communities and education settings

Develop a Living and Learning Native Woodland Environment

Celebrating the value of our woodlands

Community Group Training and Mentoring Programme

This initiative will provide communities with training, mentoring and guidance to create, implement and maintain operational climate change mitigation and adaptation plans. Four community groups have been engaging in the project since May 2023 participating in workshops on woodland creation, composting, sensory gardens, and raingardens. Four additional groups will join the progamme between March-May 2024.

Establish Climate
Education Clubs

This initiative aims to establish Climate Education Clubs by developing links between schools and communities and assisting in the co-design of projects related to climate action and sustainability. The Climate Education Clubs are currently co-creating a nature-based workbook on the Sustainable Development Goals with schoolchildren and schoolteachers in Co. Sligo. The clubs are also working in collaboration with Sligo County Council to establish the Sligo Youth Assembly on Climate Action.

Develop a Living and Learning Native Woodland Environment

This initiative aims to develop an existing woodland resource and establish a living and learning environment, thereby raising awareness on the role of trees and woodlands in combating climate change and supporting biodiversity. The Atlantic Technological University in Connemara is developing the Community Native Woodland that was established in 2013. The importance of the woodland from ecological, climate and economic perspectives is shared with local communities.

Community Group Learning Resources

Please click on the icons below to learn more about each topic and access relevant resources.

Have you any questions?

Submit any questions and queries related to climate action on topics ranging from development of project ideas, funding supports, grant applications and beyond.

Project News and Events

Power to Change

Power to Change Climate Education Clubs – Sligo Youth Assembly on Climate Action meet Sligo Co. Co. SPC 4 Climate Change to discuss the Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

The Sligo Youth Assembly on Climate Action is being piloted through the Climate Education Clubs initiative of Power to Change. It aims to promote a conversation about Climate Change and Climate Action among young people. Furthermore, it aims to provide young people with a platform to voice their concerns about Climate Action at local level. An invitation to participate in

Power to Change

Power to Change Community Native Woodland Initiative

October 21st 2023 marked the beginning of a series of engagements with the public on the Connemara Community Native Woodland project and the Irish hardwood timber processing centre at ATU Connemara. Dr Dermot Oโ€™Donovan and Dr Sean Garvey delivered a talk on the importance of native woodlands in terms of biodiversity and climate action. They also explored the potential role

Power to Change

Power to Change Community Woodland Day hosted at Cloonamahon Native Woodland, Sligo

The opening workshop of the Community Group Mentoring and Training programme was hosted at Cloonamahon Native Woodland on 24th October 2023. Marina Conway, Western Forestry Co-Op and Ray ร“ Foghlรบ, Hometree delivered wonderful talks about native woodlands. This was followed by a tour of the Cloonamahon Native Woodland and fruitful discussions on the potential to develop the space in collaboration with


Sligo Tree Trail

Sligo Tree trail

The Sligo Tree Trail was launched during National Tree Week 2024.

Thank you to the students of Sligo Grammar School and Summerhill College for joining us for a stroll on a beautiful Spring day.

What is it?

The Sligo Tree Trail is developed in collaboration with the Sligo Sports Recreation Partnership.

The trail is a 2.6 km loop around Sligo town and includes trees at locations such as Sligo County Library, City Hall, Sligo Cathedral, Sligo Abbey, and along the banks of the Garavogue.

There are 15 points on the trail and we want to develop information sheets for each point. The information sheets will have content on the species of the tree, interesting points about biodiversity related to the tree, tree folklore, and uses of the tree.

We also want to include social stories on the information sheets and invite submissions for consideration. For example, was there a point on the trail that marks an important memory such as a gathering point for friends or family.

Please share your stories by clicking on the QR code.

Sligo Tree Trail Map

What is Sligo Tree Trail?

The Sligo Tree Trail was launched during National Tree Week 2024.

Thank you to the students of Sligo Grammar School and Summerhill College for joining us for a stroll on a beautiful Spring day.

The Sligo Tree Trail is developed in collaboration with the Sligo Sports Recreation Partnership.

The trail is a 2.6 km loop around Sligo town and includes trees at locations such as Sligo County Library, City Hall, Sligo Cathedral, Sligo Abbey, and along the banks of the Garavogue.

There are 15 points on the trail and we want to develop information sheets for each point. The information sheets will have content on the species of the tree, interesting points about biodiversity related to the tree, tree folklore, and uses of the tree.

We also want to include social stories on the information sheets and invite submissions for consideration. For example, was there a point on the trail that marks an important memory such as a gathering point for friends or family.

Please share your stories by clicking on the QR code.

Sligo Tree Trail Gallery
Sligo Tree Trail Map

This project is part of the Community Climate Action Programme Strand 2 and is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

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