Most requested businesses and services Open in County Sligo During Covid-19


Please note, the content of this page was put together during the strictest phases of lockdown between March – June. It was intended to act as a support to local people to access essential services and to be used by the Sligo Emergency Response helpline to support people in need. Following the relaxation of restrictions towards the end of May more and more shops have re-opened. Unless specifically requested these have not been added to this map.

UPDATE : 20th October 2020. As the country enters new Level 5 restrictions, new rules apply regarding retail and services. While many of those businesses classed as essential and open during the first lockdown are likely to be the same, this map has not been updated to reflect the current situation. We will do what we can to encourage businesses to let us know and to make the map as accurate as possible, but not all details may be correct.

We suggest you also check out Sligo Hub who are constantly updating local business information. Go to;

Or check out this listing which is updated regularly


Other Shops

Restaurant Offering Delivery


Hot Food/


Hardware Store

(Click on Legend symbols to filter. Use the + and to drag the map around and to zoom in and out. Click on the symbol on the map in your area to find out more info)

Most Requested Information

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