We hope you are keeping safe and well in your home. Staying active is good for
wellbeing and we are delighted to bring you this ‘Sligo Ageing Well from Home
Exercise’ leaflet. We are teaming up with the Francie Boylan Show on Ocean
FM to bring the exercises into your home during the month of May. So please
tune in to the Francie Boylan show every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.30am for
fun, easy and enjoyable exercise. Keep healthy, safe and active!
From: Sligo County Council Age Friendly programme, HSE and Sligo Sport and
Recreation Partnership
Free Phone Number: 1800 292 765, Monday–Sunday, 8.00am to 8.00pm
Text: SLIGO to 50100 followed by your request for a copy of the Ageing Well leaflet
By Email: covidsupport@sligococo.ie
To view and download the full leaflet click this link…..