Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

SPCs advise and assist the Council in its work. While it is the task of each SPC to assist the Council in the formulation and development of policy, the final policy decisions will rest ultimately with the full Council.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in City and County Councils whose membership includes elected Councillors, representatives of business, commercial, development, construction, community & voluntary, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions, education & arts.

There are 4 SPCs in Sligo County Council (2024-2029 Scheme – TBC post Public Consultation) the PPN have representatives on each SPC. Representing the following pillars

Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024-2029

There are 4 SPCs in Sligo County Council in the 2024-2029 Scheme.

To read the final adopted SPC scheme for Sligo 2024 – 2029 click here.

PPN & SPC Representatives

PPN Representatives perform an important function on behalf of PPNs. They are elected by Member Groups to get involved in, and contribute to, Local Authority Boards/Committees & Non LA Boards/Committees on behalf of the PPN. In doing this, they represent the PPN as a whole.

This Council term (2024 to 2029) is an important and exciting time for PPN representatives to be involved in SPCs. The next 5 years will see aspects of the new County Development (CDP) Plan, the Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP), and the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) being debated and implemented.

SPCs will also be discussing a Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy and Tourism. Between them, these policies cover every aspect of life in Sligo form housing to infrastructure to the environment and it is vital the voice of the community is represented.

As an SPC Rep you will:

SPC meetings take place 3 times per year. In order to maximise the PPN contribution at these meetings and to ensure the community is effectively represented, it is important that reps are able (bar unforeseen circumstances) to attend all 3 meetings and be willing to undergo training, to liaise with fellow reps and mentors and to share information (as permitted) with the wider PPN community.

Sligo PPN has 8 seats in total across the 4 SPCs in Sligo.

Gene O'Carroll - Community & Voluntary Seat

Nominated by Benbulben Clay Target Club

Cheryl McGinely - Social Inclusion Seat

Nominated by Sligo Traveller Support Group

Kathryn Branley - Community & Voluntary Seat

Nominated by Drumcliff Rathcormac Tidy Towns

Alan Spencer - Environment

Nominated by Sligo Bay Catchment Rivers Trust

Steven Barker - Community & Voluntary Seat

Nominated by Cliffoney Community Forum

Ruth Flood -
Social Inclusion Seat

Nominated by Sligo Disabled Persons Organisation

Sheila Scanlon - Community & Voluntary Seat

Nominated by CADRA

Joan Swift - Environment Seat

Nominated by Sligo Cycling Campaign

SPC Guide for Sligo PPN Members

For any community members who want to learn more about how the SPCs operate and the role of community representatives, we invite you to view our presentation or read our SPC guide by clicking on the links below.

Reports & Guidelines of SPCs

In 2023 The Institute of Public Administration, was engaged by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to undertake a general review of the operation, role and impact of the strategic policy committees (SPCs). This committee system, which operates across Ireland’s local government sector, assists elected councils in the formulation, development and review of policy.

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Gene O'Carroll

Nominated by Benbulben Clay Target Club

I am an Engineer by qualification. I am recently retired and therefore can give the time needed to this appointment. I have significant experience in housing and the social infrastructure that is needed to make it a success.

Cheryl McGinely

Nominated by Sligo Traveller Support Group

I Work with Sligo Traveller Support Group Company Limited, I sit and represent the Traveller Community on the Local Traveller Consultative Committee, I have done submissions to various plans regarding accommodation in County Sligo. I feel I am a good advocate as I live and work within the Traveller community I am a member of Settled Community myself. I have great insight and interest into making positive changes in County Sligo .

Kathryn Branley

Nominated by Drumcliff Rathcormac Tidy Towns

My work experience includes advisory and technical support as an environmental geoscientist to the United States Air Force (USAF) for installations in the USA as well in Europe NATO Air Bases. Currently provide assistance for programming their environmental requirements for restoration of contaminated land (soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water), including technical reviews of technical plans/reports, cost estimating for auditable files, and coordination with other environmental scientists/engineers and stakeholders. My past experience also includes environmental impact assessment for infrastructure development, including coordination with stakeholders. In most recent years, project requirements would take in consideration of climate change (i.e., potential for flooding, temperature changes affecting the environmental remediation systems) as well as the potential of pre- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in the environmental media

Alan Spencer

Nominated by Sligo Bay Catchment Rivers Trust

Alan has been involved in environmental matters for most of his life. With his concern for, and broad knowledge of environmental issues, I feel he would make a very good candidate for a seat on the Strategic Policy Committee 2 (SPC 2) Climate and Infrastructure. 1. Since retiring, he has been part of the River Easkey Angling Association Committee, of which he is a Court Appointed Waterkeeper. He has raised over €60k for access infrastructure for anglers. He was instrumental in delivering a Feasibility Study of the river, and is now negotiating the installation of cattle drinkers and buffer fencing to help protect the river bank and the aquatic environment. 2. Some years ago Alan became the Co Sligo delegate for the Federation of Salmon and Sea Trout Association. 3. Alan has also become involved with the following local community groups – Dromore West Village Enhancement Committee, Tidy Towns and Dromore West Community Council. In an attempt to increase their numbers, Alan led on the introduction of nesting boxes for Dippers along all the Dromore West rivers. Easkey Enhancement Association and their Eco Group. Alan produced a small booklet for the association on how to save money and reduce energy usage, which was very well received. 4. He is also the Secretary of The Catalysts Over 50’s Group at Calry Church on The Mall in Sligo. 5. Most recently Alan has become a Director and Treasurer of Sigo Bay Catchment Rivers Trust CLG, Earlier this year, he led on The Ballisodare Catchment Stakeholders Meeting, the results of which, the Trust will be working on over the coming years

Steven Barker

Nominated by Cliffoney Community Forum

Steven has been an active member of the Cliffoney Community Forum since 2019. As well as supporting Tidy Towns, community events and fundraising, he has led the development of our Community Plan 2023-2028 and is leading a project to publish online maps and descriptions for walks and cycling trails in Cliffoney and surrounding Townlands highlighting heritage sites. Steven’s 40 year working career has covered: the private sector: manufacturing; distribution; sales & marketing & European supply chain management; the public sector: privatisation, legislative frameworks and implementation, procurement, Private Finance Initiative contract management and as a Chief Operation Officer he delivered “good governance” leadership and resource management. He was also a Local Authority appointed School Governor for three years. Steven lives in North Sligo where he and his wife own and run a self catering holiday business.

Ruth Flood

Nominated by Sligo Disabled Persons Organisation

Sligo DPO is delighted to nominate our vicechairperson, Ruth Flood, for the Social inclusion Seat on SPC3: Live, Invest , Visit. As a DPO member and a master’s student of disability studies Ruth brings a strong understanding of the social model of disability and the barriers faced by disabled people. More broadly, Ruth has a history of standing up for anyone who is marginalised and tackling any kind of barrier. Recently, she raised questions about the use of Queen Maeve’s square, both listening to the community concerns and framing an approach to the Council. Her approach is that inclusion and meaningful engagement of the whole community doesn’t just benefit how we do things, it impacts our relationships with public spaces like the square, local democracy and the wider community

Sheila Scanlon

Nominated by Cadra

Sheila has great experience of working as a volunteer and with voluntary organisations. She currently organises Sligo Food Bank

Joan Swift

Nominated by Sligo Cycling Campaign

I served as the Environment College Rep on the 2019-2024 SPC for Infrastructure and Environment and I would like to continue in that role on the new Placemaking SPC. I am a member of the PPN Housing Thematic Network which has published papers on housing themes including vacancy and dereliction. I am Chair of Sligo Cycling Campaign, and sustainable transport is very much a part of urban and rural regeneration and Placemaking. On the previous SPC, I advocated for the wider environmental agenda, including biodiversity. I have made submissions on the County Development Plan, The Climate Plan and The Biodiversity Strategy. The next few years will be crucial for environmental matters with implementation of the CDP, the Climate Plan, Biodiversity and Heritage Strategies. I would be honoured to represent the Environment College on the SPC which will be discussing policy on all the above