1. Applicant Organisations Information Note TYESI
3. TYESI Application Form – MSLETB
Closing date: 12 noon, Friday, 24th September 2021
What is the TYESI?
The TYESI is intended to fund programme/actions to support young people aged 15-24 years who are not in employment education or training by providing community-based interventions to improve their soft skills, confidence and agency to ensure engagement by young people in progression pathways.
Who is eligible to apply?
The initiative is open to community, voluntary and not-for-profit services and organisations that support young people. Applications may be made by individual organisations. Joint applications are permissible, where a joint initiative is proposed, a lead organisation must be nominated as the responsible party for the application and all aspects of the Initiative.
What is the target group?
The target group for the TYESI is young people between the ages of 15 and 24 (inclusive), who are not currently in employment, education, or training. The purpose is to engage ‘hard to reach’ targeted young people, including young people experiencing isolation, economic disadvantage or intergenerational unemployment.
Needs profile:
MSLETB particularly welcomes applications which meet needs that have been prioritised through existing relevant plans or bodies (e.g. Children and Young People’s Services Committees), as pertaining to the target group for this scheme.
How much funding is available?
Please note that the total funding that has been made available for MSLETB to distribute to successful projects is €21,800. Funding will be awarded for a 12-month period. Any possible additional funding for 2022 is subject to the annual budgetary processes taking place later this year. DCEDIY are currently working to secure funding to end of December 2022. This will be confirmed in early 2022