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Climate Change & Environmental Action Resources


This page offers a collection of resources to deepen your knowledge of climate change. Discover informative articles, practical guides, and tools designed to empower you in taking action for a more sustainable world.

The Mission of the Climate Action Regional Offices is to coordinate and support local government to lead transformative change and measurable climate action across our cities and counties.

The CAROs work with local authorities to deliver climate policies and behavioural change within their own organisations and empowering citizens and enterprise to embrace the need for climate action.

A centre for thought leadership, education and advocacy on the struggle to secure global justice for those people vulnerable to the impacts of climate change who are usually forgotten – the poor, the disempowered and the marginalised across the world.

It is a platform for solidarity, partnership and shared engagement for all who care about global justice, whether as individuals and communities suffering injustice or as advocates for fairness in resource-rich societies.

Climate Central is an independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report the facts about our changing climate and how it affects people’s lives.

Climate Central uses science, big data, and technology to generate thousands of local storylines and compelling visuals that make climate change personal and show what can be done about it. We address climate science, sea level rise, extreme weather, energy, and related topics.

Climate Ireland works as a research service that connects and integrates scientific research, policy making and adaptation practice for the purposes of enhancing adaptation decision making in Ireland.

Climate Ireland is being designed and developed as part of the EPA-funded project A Climate Information Platform for Ireland (ICIP).

The EPA’s role in addressing climate change challenges includes collating national greenhouse gas emissions and projections; regulating emissions from industrial sectors; supporting climate science research; supporting behavioural change and facilitating the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

NetZeroCities is part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in support of European Union’s Green Deal. NetZeroCities has been designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

New and existing tools, resources and expertise are developed and promoted into a one-stop platform accessible to all cities through an online portal. Dedicated services are designed to support cities that are part of the EU’s Mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030”.

This environmental toolkit was put together in response to an identified need from the community for support to enhance their environmental practises. It takes groups through the various stages of positive climate action covering key areas of governance, strategic planning and programme development and delivery.

This environmental toolkit was put together in response to an identified need from the community for support to enhance their environmental practises. It takes groups through the various stages of positive climate action covering key areas of governance, strategic planning and programme development and delivery.

A selection of success stories form across Ireland as people and communities inspire and spark change towards a more environmentally, economically and/or socially sustainable world.

An OER Project course on climate education involving 21 lessons across 5 units including 13 videos, 15 texts, 29 activities.

The Learning hub is divided into three categories: a Junior Hub for under 12s, an Advanced Hub for senior cycle students and adults and a general Community & Organisations Hub.

SFI funds a number of research projects that are focused on driving discovery and technological innovation that will enable society to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Learn more about the research that is carried out by large-scale, world-leading SFI Research Centres, and by individual researchers.

DataScience Programs information on the importance of data in understanding the challenges of Climate Change.

This project is part of the Community Climate Action Programme Strand 2 and is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

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