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Education for Sustainability Network

Learning by sharing knowledge and experiences within our communities and our education settings

Climate Education Clubs - Primary Connections

Co-Creation of Nature Based Workbook on the Sustainable Development Goals

The Climate Education Clubs are co-creating a nature-based workbook on the Sustainable Development Goals with schoolchildren and schoolteachers in Co. Sligo.

This project commenced in February 2024 with a launch day at St. John’s National School, Temple Street, Sligo.

Scoil Naomh Eanna, Carraroe, St. Aiden’s NS, Monasteraden, and St. Joseph’s NS, Templeboy are also taking part in the co-creation of workbook.

The rvised workbook will be released in September 2024 and made available to all schools in a digital format.

Climate Education Clubs - Youth Connections

Sligo Youth Assembly on Climate Action

The Climate Education Clubs are also working in collaboration with Sligo County Council to establish the Sligo Youth Assembly on Climate Action.

The Assembly encourages post-primary school students to engagement in the Climate Conversations and voice their opinions.

Sligo Grammar School and Summerhill College participated in the pilot Sligo Youth Assembly during the 2023/2024 school year.

Students attended an introductory session at ATU Sligo in September 2023. They met with members of the Sligo Co. Co. Strategic Policy Committee on Climate Change in November 2023. They also worked on projects of interest throughout the year.

Climate Education Clubs - Community Connections

Community-based Collaborations

The Climate Education Clubs also aim to facilitate engagement between ATU staff and students and community groups to work together on community-based and community-related projects.

During 2023/2024 ATU students were given opportunities to engage with Sligo PPN community groups on a number of community-based projects.

Project 1 - Sustainable Water Management

Carraroe and District Regeneration Association (CADRA) inivited students to assist them in the design of a rainwater harvesting system and a group logo.

Students will submit concept designs in April 2024.

An award sponsored by CADRA and LAWPRO will be presented to the best concept design submitted.

Project 2 - Sustainable Tourism

The Tourism and Event Management students at ATU Sligo are conducting research on Heritage Tourism Development through Community Participation in Sligo.

The students sought assistance from Sligo PPN community groups to provide insights on this topic through completion of short survey.

Students presented a report of their findings to members of the Sligo PPN secratariat in April 2024 titled Community Participation for Heritage Tourism Development in Sligo.

Image: Tourism and Event Management students from ATU Sligo with lecturer Dr. Domhnall Melly attending the Fair Seas Event on 14th March 2024 to engage with and listen to concerns of community groups.

Sligo Fair Seas 2024

Sligo PPN community groups are invited to submit project proposals that can be explored during the 2024/2025 academic year.

This project is part of the Community Climate Action Programme Strand 2 and is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

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