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Sustainability in Sports Clubs Resources


There are numerous resources to help sports clubs integrate sustainability practices, with toolkits offering practical guidance for eco-friendly management. These resources include strategies for creating pollinator-friendly spaces and implementing green initiatives, specifically designed for sports clubs and community groups

Community Group Toolkits

This guide from the National Biodiversity Centre guides you through 5 achievable actions that you can take to enhance biodiversity in your sports clubs grounds.

The GAA Green Club Toolkit is designed to support Gaelic Games clubs in implementing simple and effective sustainability actions. The Toolkit is divided into five themes – Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity and Travel & Transport – and each toolkit section contains practical advice and guidance tailored for GAA clubs as well as inspiring case studies from clubs from across the island of Ireland. There are very useful resources that are suitable for any sports clubs to use as a reference.

This project is part of the Community Climate Action Programme Strand 2 and is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

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