The public consultation process is now open and the Sligo 2030 One Voice One Vision Consultation Paper – DRAFT Statement and High Level Goals has been prepared to generate ideas and feedback. The Draft Statement and online surveys are located at the dedicated Sligo 2030 webpage here:
Please also be advised that the Sligo 2030 One Voice One Vision virtual Public Webinar will take place on Thursday 24th June at 7pm. You are asked to please attend, and also to please share this information, and encourage attendance of other groups, individuals, agencies, colleagues, etc, to ensure a wide, diverse and inclusive attendance at the Webinar to enable as many voices as possible be heard in shaping the future of Sligo.
The Webinar, which is open to all the community, will give an overview of the draft socio-economic statement including the draft vision for Sligo 2030 and the emerging high-level goals. It will also include an overview of the timeline for the development of the full Sligo 2030 plan and invite feedback and submissions as part of the overall stakeholder engagement process.
A link to the Webinar will be available at the dedicated web page on 24th June. Pre-registration is not necessary. We look forward to your attendance.
We invite you to engage with this process and share this opportunity to submit feedback to help shape the draft Sligo 2030 Plan from now until 4.30pm on Thursday 8th July 2021. Also submissions can be made in writing to Sligo 2030 submissions, City Hall, Quay St, Sligo; or by email to up to that date.