We are delighted to be able to announce the opening of our new initiative : The Sligo Environmental Action Academy.
This initiative is a partnership between Sligo PPN and Sligo Environmental Network (SEN) and came about in direct response to priorities identified during our 2020 needs analysis. Feedback from groups during this process highlighted that many groups wanted to do their bit to make their operations more environmentally friendly, but were not sure where to start and also did not have many resources or time to invest.
This Academy is accessible to any community group, no matter what your everyday activities. It will guide you step-by-step through the simple actions you can take and will offer you support to implement agreed changes. Learnings from the process, combined with research by SEN, will also be used to create a toolkit that can help all groups to take those simple steps to make themselves a little bit kinder to our environment.
There are 12 places available in the pilot initiative. The 12 successful groups will get the opportunity to take part in an exploratory meeting with SEN to understand your group needs. These needs will be used to develop a one-to-one tailored mentoring programme and ongoing support to implement ideas and new initiatives.
To apply to take part in the programme, please tell us a little about your group and what ambitions it has to become more environmentally friendly at; https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sligoenvironmentalactionacademy